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Page 3 (51 - 75)
Question: 51
(A) <ofstream>
(B) <outstream>
(C) <iofstream>
(D) <ostream>
Question: 52
(A) <ofstream>
(B) <ifstream>
(C) <fstream>
(D) <iostream>
Question: 53
Question: 54
(A) Branching
(B) Looping
(C) Rekursif
(D) Algorithm
Question: 55
(A) The GNU C compiler
(B) GNU C compiler
(C) Generic C compiler
(D) GDB C Compiler
Question: 56
Question: 57
Question: 58
Question: 59
(A) a member
(B) an array
(C) a tag
(D) None of these
Question: 60
(A) employee[2]->hourlyWage = 50.00;
(B) employee2.hourlyWage = 7.50;
(C) hourlyWage[2].employee = 29.75;
(D) employee[2].hourlyWage = 75.00;
Question: 61
(A) cout<<student1.gpa;
(B) cout<<firstStudent.gpa;
(C) cout<<student[1].gpa;
(D) cout<<student1 ->gpa;
Question: 62
Question: 63
Question: 64
Question: 65
Question: 66
Question: 67
Question: 68
Question: 69
Question: 70
Question: 71
Question: 72
(A) Honda->run;
(B) Honda.run();
(C) run()
(D) Honda()
Question: 73
Question: 74
(A) static function
(B) utility function
(C) constructor
(D) destructor
Question: 75