C++ Multiple Choice Questions for Beginners

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Showing 26 - 50 of 91

Question: 26

(A) Compilation Error
(B) 0
(C) 3
(D) -3

Level: Beginner
Category of MCQ: other in C++

Question: 27

(A) 1
(B) 5
(C) There is no limit
(D) 256

Level: Beginner
Category of MCQ: datatype in C++

Question: 28

(A) Yes
(B) No

Level: Beginner
Category of MCQ: datatype in C++

Question: 29

(A) Yes
(B) No

Level: Beginner
Category of MCQ: function in C++

Question: 30

(A) Yes
(B) No

Level: Beginner
Category of MCQ: datatype in C++

Question: 31

(A) Yes
(B) No

Level: Beginner
Category of MCQ: pointers in C++

Question: 32

(A) Yes
(B) No

Level: Beginner
Category of MCQ: datatype in C++

Question: 33

(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4

Level: Beginner
Category of MCQ: inheritance in C++

Question: 34

(A) *
(B) ++
(C) +
(D) -

Level: Beginner
Category of MCQ: operators in C++

Question: 35

(A) Yes
(B) No

Level: Beginner
Category of MCQ: loops in C++

Question: 36

(A) 0
(B) 1
(C) 4
(D) 5

Level: Beginner
Category of MCQ: loops in C++

Question: 37

(A) <
(B) <<
(C) ->
(D) >>

Level: Beginner
Category of MCQ: operators in C++

Question: 38

(B) VB 6
(C) C++
(D) C#

Level: Beginner
Category of MCQ: other in C++

Question: 39

(A) Uses buttons, menus, and icons
(B) Should be easy for a user to manipulate
(C) Stands for Graphic Use Interaction
(D) Both A and B

Level: Beginner
Category of MCQ: other in C++

Question: 40

(A) Single
(B) Byte
(C) Short
(D) Integer

Level: Beginner
Category of MCQ: datatype in C++

Question: 41

(A) class
(B) field
(C) function
(D) property

Level: Beginner
Category of MCQ: classesAndobjects in C++

Question: 42

(A) It instruct the compiler to set default value to any variable
(B) It instruct the compiler to set default return value to any function
(C) It instruct the compiler to set default argument values for any function
(D) It instruct the compiler to generate the default implementation

Level: Beginner
Category of MCQ: loops in C++

Question: 43

(A) Checking the Grammar
(B) Finding the type of names and expressions
(C) Making up tokens from characters
(D) None of these

Level: Beginner
Category of MCQ: cpp11 in C++

Question: 44

(A) long
(B) long int
(C) longs long
(D) long long

Level: Beginner
Category of MCQ: cpp11 in C++

Question: 45

(A) final
(B) static
(C) stop
(D) friend

Level: Beginner
Category of MCQ: cpp11 in C++

Question: 46

(A) Pass by Value
(B) Pass by reference
(C) Pass by pointer/address
(D) Depends on Compiler

Level: Beginner
Category of MCQ: other in C++

Question: 47

(A) We can create link using structure only
(B) We can create link list using class only
(C) We can create link list either by class or structure
(D) We should ignore implementation of link list using structure as it consume more memory

Level: Beginner
Category of MCQ: other in C++

Question: 48

(A) data
(B) members
(C) objects
(D) none of these

Level: Beginner
Category of MCQ: structure in C++

Question: 49

(A) Yes
(B) No
(C) Depends on Compiler

Level: Beginner
Category of MCQ: structure in C++

Question: 50

(A) <iostream>
(B) <ofstream>
(C) <ifstream>
(D) <fstream>

Level: Beginner
Category of MCQ: filehandling in C++

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