C++ Multiple Choice Questions for Beginners

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Page 4 (76 - 92)

Question: 76

(A) first variable name
(B) first function
(C) class name
(D) object name

Level: Beginner
Category of MCQ: classesAndobjects in C++

Question: 77

(A) True
(B) False

Level: Beginner
Category of MCQ: classesAndobjects in C++

Question: 78


Level: Beginner
Category of MCQ: classesAndobjects in C++

Question: 79

(A) True
(B) False

Level: Beginner
Category of MCQ: classesAndobjects in C++

Question: 80

(A) True
(B) False

Level: Beginner
Category of MCQ: inheritance in C++

Question: 81

(A) never
(B) must
(C) may
(D) None

Level: Beginner
Category of MCQ: classesAndobjects in C++

Question: 82

(A) True
(B) False

Level: Beginner
Category of MCQ: inheritance in C++

Question: 83

(A) Car
(B) Vehicle
(C) protected
(D) None

Level: Beginner
Category of MCQ: inheritance in C++

Question: 84

(A) True
(B) False

Level: Beginner
Category of MCQ: exceptions in C++

Question: 85

(A) True
(B) False

Level: Beginner
Category of MCQ: loops in C++

Question: 86

(A) Yes
(B) No

Level: Beginner
Category of MCQ: namespace in C++

Question: 87

(A) Before all #include
(B) After #include<iostream>
(C) In middle of #includes
(D) After all #inludes

Level: Beginner
Category of MCQ: namespace in C++

Question: 88

(A) Using the entire namespace, using only single name from namespace
(B) There is no difference
(C) We can't use only cout from std namespace

Level: Beginner
Category of MCQ: namespace in C++

Question: 89

(A) Runtime Error
(B) Compilation Erro
(C) Nothing is printed
(D) CppBuzz.com

Level: Beginner
Category of MCQ: namespace in C++

Question: 90

(A) Address of memory allocated | Garbage Value
(B) Address of memory allocated | 0
(C) Address of ptr | 0
(D) Address of ptr | Garbage Value

Level: Beginner
Category of MCQ: new_delete in C++

Question: 91

(A) Program runs without any error
(B) Compilation Error
(C) Runtime error (Segmentation fault)
(D) None of the above

Level: Beginner
Category of MCQ: new_delete in C++

Question: 92

(A) O(log N)
(B) O(N/2)
(C) O(N)
(D) O(N^2)

Level: Beginner
Category of MCQ: time_space_complexity in C++

Question: 93

(A) True
(B) False
(C) 1
(D) Compilation Error

Level: Beginner
Category of MCQ: loops in C++

Question: 94

(A) True
(B) False
(C) 1
(D) Compilation Error

Level: Beginner
Category of MCQ: cpp20 in C++

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