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Java Objective Questions (MCQs) - 225

Page 3 (41 - 60)

Question: 41

(A) "cpp''buzz"
(B) "cpp''buzz"
(C) cpp''buzz
(D) Compilation Error

Level: Expert Category of MCQ: other

Question: 42

(A) 10"10"
(B) Compilation Error
(C) 20
(D) 1010

Level: Practitioner Category of MCQ: variables

Question: 43

(A) 10-10
(B) 0
(C) 1010
(D) Compilation Error

Level: Practitioner Category of MCQ: variables

Question: 44

(A) 10+10
(B) 1010
(C) Compilation Error
(D) Undefined

Level: Practitioner Category of MCQ: variables

Question: 45

(A) 0
(B) 10"-10"
(C) 10-10
(D) Compilation Error

Level: Expert Category of MCQ: variables

Question: 46

(A) 30
(B) 1020
(C) 10+10+10
(D) 1010+10

Level: Expert Category of MCQ: variables

Question: 47

(A) Compiler
(B) Class Loader
(C) Byte Code Verifier
(D) Java Virtual Machine

Level: Beginner Category of MCQ: other

Question: 48

(A) Editing -> Compilation -> Class Loader -> Bytecode Verifier -> Execution
(B) Editing -> Bytecode Verifier -> Compilation -> Class Loader -> Execution
(C) Editing -> Compilation -> Bytecode Verifier -> Class Loader -> Execution
(D) None of the above

Level: Beginner Category of MCQ: other

Question: 49

(A) friends
(B) friend
(C) fr
(D) compilation Error

Level: Beginner Category of MCQ: loops

Question: 50

(A) True
(B) False

Level: Beginner Category of MCQ: other

Question: 51

(A) True
(B) False

Level: Beginner Category of MCQ: other

Question: 52

(A) 12345
(B) 123
(C) 124
(D) 135

Level: Beginner Category of MCQ: arrays

Question: 53

(A) 12345
(B) Nothing is printed
(C) 1
(D) Infinite times

Level: Beginner Category of MCQ: arrays

Question: 54

(A) 3
(B) 2
(C) 1
(D) 0

Level: Beginner Category of MCQ: arrays

Question: 55

(A) 12345
(B) 135
(C) 22222
(D) 14385

Level: Beginner Category of MCQ: arrays

Question: 56

(A) a b c d e
(B) abcde
(C) 97 98 99 100 101
(D) 65 66 67 68 69

Level: Expert Category of MCQ: arrays

Question: 57

(A) a b c d e
(B) 96 97 98 99 101
(C) 65 66 67 68 69
(D) None of the above

Level: Expert Category of MCQ: arrays

Question: 58

(A) abcde
(B) 6566676869
(C) Compilation Error
(D) Some Garbage Value

Level: Beginner Category of MCQ: arrays

Question: 59

(A) 0
(B) Compilation Error
(C) -10
(D) Garbage Value

Level: Beginner Category of MCQ: classesAndobjects

Question: 60

(A) -10
(B) Undefined
(C) Compilation Error
(D) 0

Level: Practitioner Category of MCQ: classesAndobjects

Browse Java Categories

Datatype Variables Operators Decision Making Loops Methods Reference Variables Arrays Classes and Objects Abstract Class Singleton Class Modifiers Inheritance Overriding Polymorphism Abstraction Encapsulation Files and I/O TypeCasting Packages Exceptions Collections Framework Numbers Class Date & Time Regular Expressions Data Structures Interfaces Multithreading Other