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Java Objective Questions (MCQs) - 225

Page 10 (181 - 200)

Question: 181

(A) Singletons
(B) Java Beans
(C) Transactions
(D) None of the above

Level: Expert Category of MCQ: classesAndobjects

Question: 182

(A) Exception
(B) Throwable
(C) JavaBase
(D) Error

Level: Expert Category of MCQ: exceptions

Question: 183

(A) Thread
(B) Object
(C) Runnable
(D) Class

Level: Practitioner Category of MCQ: interfaces

Question: 184

(A) NullPointerException
(B) NumberFormatException
(C) ClassCastException
(D) ParseException

Level: Beginner Category of MCQ: exceptions

Question: 185

(A) NumberFormatException
(B) IllegalArgumentException
(C) RuntimeException
(D) ParseException

Level: Expert Category of MCQ: exceptions

Question: 186

Level: Beginner Category of MCQ: exceptions

Question: 187

(A) Yes
(B) No

Level: Practitioner Category of MCQ: interfaces

Question: 188

(A) Compilation Error
(B) Hello CppBuzz
(C) 13
(D) Hello CppBuzz13

Level: Practitioner Category of MCQ: interfaces

Question: 189

(A) It is not allowed. Compilation Error
(B) It is allowed. CppBuzz
(C) It is allowed. Compilation Error
(D) None of the above

Level: Practitioner Category of MCQ: interfaces

Question: 190

(A) abstract is a keyword
(B) abstract is a method
(C) abstract is a class
(D) All of these

Level: Beginner Category of MCQ: interfaces

Question: 191

(A) Heap
(B) Stack
(C) Cache
(D) Register

Level: Beginner Category of MCQ: referencevar

Question: 192

(A) The main thread waits for other threads to finish
(B) The main thread is finished first then other threads
(C) Other threads will sleep until main is complete
(D) All of these

Level: Practitioner Category of MCQ: other

Question: 193

(A) throws
(B) finally
(C) catch
(D) throw

Level: Beginner Category of MCQ: exceptions

Question: 194

(A) finally
(B) catch
(C) finally & catch
(D) none of the mentioned

Level: Beginner Category of MCQ: exceptions

Question: 195

(A) java.io
(B) java.util
(C) java.lang
(D) java.net

Level: Beginner Category of MCQ: exceptions

Question: 196

(A) Anonymous inner class
(B) Interface
(C) Inner class
(D) All of the mentioned

Level: Expert Category of MCQ: classesAndobjects

Question: 197

(A) 0
(B) garbage value
(C) runtime error
(D) compile time error

Level: Beginner Category of MCQ: other

Question: 198

(A) a
(B) b
(C) a and both
(D) Neither a nor b

Level: Beginner Category of MCQ: other

Question: 199

(A) 10
(B) Compilation Error
(C) Undefind
(D) 0

Level: Practitioner Category of MCQ: variables

Question: 200

(A) 10
(B) 0
(C) Error in Code
(D) Nothing is printed

Level: Beginner Category of MCQ: datatype

Browse Java Categories

Datatype Variables Operators Decision Making Loops Methods Reference Variables Arrays Classes and Objects Abstract Class Singleton Class Modifiers Inheritance Overriding Polymorphism Abstraction Encapsulation Files and I/O TypeCasting Packages Exceptions Collections Framework Numbers Class Date & Time Regular Expressions Data Structures Interfaces Multithreading Other