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Java Interview Questions on Modfiers - 3

Question: 1

(A) It CAN be accessed from ANYWHERE
(B) It CAN ONLY be accessed from ’same package’
(C) It can be accessed from the same file
(D) It can be access from the same project

Level: Beginner Category of MCQ: modifiers

Question: 2

(A) Private members can be accessed within a same package
(B) Private members can be accessed within class only
(C) Private members can be accessed within sub classes of same package
(D) All of the above

Level: Practitioner Category of MCQ: modifiers

Question: 3

(A) It is visible to same project
(B) It is visible to same package
(C) It is visible to same file
(D) All of these

Level: Beginner Category of MCQ: modifiers

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