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Showing Page 7 (121 - 140)
Question: 121
Question: 122
(A) It is volatile because it can change at any time
(B) It is const because our C program must not try to modify it
(C) Change value outside by means outside our C program
(D) All of these
Question: 123
(A) It saves memory
(B) It releases memory once it go out of scope
(C) It inrease execution time of program
(D) None of these
Question: 124
(A) Pass by Value
(B) Pass by reference
(C) Pass by pointer/address
(D) Depends on Compiler
Question: 125
(A) ios::trunc
(B) ios::ate
(C) ios::app
(D) ios::tellg
Question: 126
(A) g++ -std=c++-11 -o output.out source.cpp
(B) g++ -std=c++11 -o output.out source.cpp
(C) g++ -std=c++ 11 -o output.out source.cpp
(D) g++ -std=cpp11 -o output.out source.cpp
Question: 127
(A) Filename
(B) First argument
(C) Last argument
(D) NULL pointer
Question: 128
(A) We can create link using structure only
(B) We can create link list using class only
(C) We can create link list either by class or structure
(D) We should ignore implementation of link list using structure as it consume more memory
Question: 129
(A) nmake -f myfile option
(B) nmake -f opiton myfile
(C) nmake option -f myfile
(D) nmake option -fname myfile
Question: 130
Question: 131
Question: 132
Question: 133
Question: 134
Question: 135
Question: 136
Question: 137
Question: 138
Question: 139
Question: 140
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