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Java Multiple Choice Questions For Beginners - 25

Page 3 of 4 Showing 25 Questions

Question: 50

(A) Compilation Error
(B) Exception
(C) 10
(D) 1

Level: Beginner Category of MCQ: typecasting

Question: 51

(A) 10.0f
(B) 10.0
(C) 10
(D) 10.00

Level: Beginner Category of MCQ: typecasting

Question: 52

(A) Compilation Error
(B) exception: unreachable code
(C) Sun
(D) SunMoon

Level: Beginner Category of MCQ: if-else

Question: 53

(A) hi
(B) nothing is printed
(C) error: sum() has private access
(D) Exception

Level: Beginner Category of MCQ: classesAndobjects

Question: 54

(A) hi
(B) Compilation Error
(C) Nothing is printed
(D) Exception

Level: Beginner Category of MCQ: classesAndobjects

Question: 55

(A) hi
(B) Compilation Error
(C) Exception
(D) None of the above

Level: Beginner Category of MCQ: classesAndobjects

Question: 56

(A) hi
(B) Compilation Error
(C) Exception
(D) None of the above

Level: Beginner Category of MCQ: classesAndobjects

Question: 57

(A) hi
(B) Compilation Error
(C) Exception
(D) None of the above

Level: Beginner Category of MCQ: classesAndobjects

Question: 58

(A) hi
(B) Compilation Error
(C) Exception
(D) None of the above

Level: Beginner Category of MCQ: classesAndobjects

Question: 59

(A) Inheritance increases execution of program
(B) Inheritance is useful in code re-usability
(C) Inheritance minimizes programming loop holes
(D) None of the above

Level: Beginner Category of MCQ: inheritance

Question: 60

(A) extends is a datatype
(B) extends is a keyword
(C) extends is a class
(D) extend is a package

Level: Beginner Category of MCQ: inheritance

Question: 61

(A) 0
(B) 10
(C) Compilation Error
(D) Exception

Level: Beginner Category of MCQ: inheritance

Question: 62

(A) It CAN be accessed from ANYWHERE
(B) It CAN ONLY be accessed from ’same package’
(C) It can be accessed from the same file
(D) It can be access from the same project

Level: Beginner Category of MCQ: modifiers

Question: 63

(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4

Level: Beginner Category of MCQ: inheritance

Question: 64

(A) It is visible to same project
(B) It is visible to same package
(C) It is visible to same file
(D) All of these

Level: Beginner Category of MCQ: modifiers

Question: 65

(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) Max 256

Level: Beginner Category of MCQ: classesAndobjects

Question: 66

(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 0

Level: Beginner Category of MCQ: datatype

Question: 67

(A) Yes
(B) No

Level: Beginner Category of MCQ: exceptions

Question: 68

(A) -100
(B) Compilation Error
(C) Exception since catch is missing
(D) Exception since finally is missing

Level: Beginner Category of MCQ: exceptions

Question: 69

(A) Yes
(B) No It is compilation error

Level: Beginner Category of MCQ: exceptions

Question: 70

(A) Arrays are passed by Value
(B) Arrays are passed by Reference
(C) It depends on type of array
(D) It depends on Compiler

Level: Beginner Category of MCQ: arrays

Question: 71

(A) Yes
(B) No

Level: Beginner Category of MCQ: abstractclass

Question: 72

(A) It is an Keyword
(B) Its is a Data type
(C) It is a Class
(D) None of the above

Level: Beginner Category of MCQ: abstractclass

Question: 73

(A) Compilation Error
(B) Exception
(C) 1
(D) 0

Level: Beginner Category of MCQ: collection

Question: 74

(A) True
(B) False

Level: Beginner Category of MCQ: collection

Browse Java Categories

Datatype Variables Operators Decision Making Loops Methods Reference Variables Arrays Classes and Objects Abstract Class Singleton Class Modifiers Inheritance Overriding Polymorphism Abstraction Encapsulation Files and I/O TypeCasting Packages Exceptions Collections Framework Numbers Class Date & Time Regular Expressions Data Structures Interfaces Multithreading Other