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JavaScript Objective Questions Set-2 (48)

Showing 21 - 40 of 48

Question: 21

(A) 012345
(B) 01234
(C) 135
(D) 13

Level: Practitioner Category: arrays

Question: 22

(A) Error
(B) Nothing is printed
(C) Javascript
(D) JavascriptJavascript

Level: Practitioner Category: arrays

Question: 23

(A) It is Error
(B) Nothing is printed
(C) 0 is the output
(D) NaN is the output

Level: Expert Category: methods

Question: 24

(A) 1
(B) 0
(C) NaN
(D) None of the above

Level: Expert Category: methods

Question: 25

(A) <h1>Javascript Questions</h1>
(B) Javascript Questions
(C) Error
(D) "<h1>Javascript Questions</h1>"

Level: Practitioner Category: methods

Question: 26

(A) 77.300000#77#123#2.34#
(B) 77.300000#77#123#2#
(C) 77.300000#77#123#234#
(D) 77.3#77#123#2.34#

Level: Expert Category: methods

Question: 27

(A) 350
(B) 25496
(C) 254-96
(D) Error

Level: Expert Category: regularexpressions

Question: 28

(A) True
(B) False

Level: Beginner Category: variables

Question: 29

(A) 9 & 12345
(B) 9 & 5
(C) 9 & 15
(D) 5 & 15

Level: Expert Category: methods

Question: 30

(A) join()
(B) concat()
(C) connect()
(D) add()

Level: Expert Category: methods

Question: 31

(A) True
(B) False

Level: Practitioner Category: arrays

Question: 32

(A) True
(B) False

Level: Practitioner Category: arrays

Question: 33

(A) Yes, it provides try, catch as well as throw key word for exception handling
(B) Yes, but it provides only try block
(C) Yes, but it provides only Try catch block, but does not allow throw exception
(D) No

Level: Expert Category: exceptions

Question: 34

(A) True
(B) False

Level: Expert Category: exceptions

Question: 35

(A) OnMouseKeyDown
(B) OnMouseKeyUp
(C) onMouseout
(D) onMouseover

Level: Expert Category: methods

Question: 36

(A) onkeyboardpress
(B) onkeydown
(C) onfocus
(D) onclick

Level: Practitioner Category: other

Question: 37

(A) clearsetTimeout()
(B) stopTimeout()
(C) clearTimeout()
(D) cancelTimeout()

Level: Expert Category: methods

Question: 38

(A) Alert Box
(B) Prompt Box
(C) Confirm Box
(D) Message Box

Level: Expert Category: methods

Question: 39

(A) isNaN()
(B) nonNaN()
(C) NaN()
(D) None of the listed option

Level: Expert Category: methods

Question: 40

(A) True
(B) False

Level: Beginner Category: variables