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Sql Objective Questions - 58

Questions on Index, Insert, Primary key, Inner joines, Outer Joines, Delete, Union, Operators, Update, Having Clause, Truncate, Candiate Key & Constraint etc.

Question: 21

(A) 2 bytes
(B) 4 bytes
(C) 8 bytes
(D) 16 bytes

Level: Beginner Category: Syntax

Question: 22

(A) 0-128
(B) 0-255
(C) -325768 - + 325767
(D) 0- 65535

Level: Practionar Category: RightJoin

Question: 23


Level: Expert Category: Syntax

Question: 24

(A) 0
(B) 1
(C) 256
(D) None of these

Level: Practionar Category: Syntax

Question: 25

(A) Insert into table_name (Col1, Col2,Col3) VALUES (Val1,Val2,Val3);
(B) Insert table_name Columns(Col1, Col2,Col3);
(C) Insert Columns(Col1, Col2,Col3) VALUE (Val1, Val2,Val3) Into table_name;
(D) Insert into table_name values (Col1, Col2,Col3) VALUES (Val1,Val2,Val3);

Level: Beginner Category: Syntax

Question: 26

(A) Yes
(B) No

Level: Practionar Category: InsertInto

Question: 27

(A) Yes
(B) No
(C) Yes but with Joines it is possible
(D) Yes but loss of data

Level: Practionar Category: Syntax

Question: 28

(A) Update table_name Set Col_name=Value;
(B) Update Table table_name Columns(Col1, Col2,Col3);
(C) Update into table_name (Col1, Col2,Col3) VALUES (Val1,Val2,Val3);
(D) Update table_name column Col_name=Value;

Level: Beginner Category: Update

Question: 29

(A) Yes
(B) No

Level: Beginner Category: Syntax

Question: 30

(A) SELECT * FROM Table Order By Column;
(B) SELECT * FROM Table Order By Column ASC;
(C) SELECT * FROM Table Order By Column DESC;
(D) All of the above

Level: Practionar Category: OrderBy

Question: 31

(A) Yes
(B) No

Level: Practionar Category: Where

Question: 32

(A) It is not possible
(B) DESC is used with Order by clause
(C) DESC is only possible with inbuilt tables
(D) DESC can 't be used in Joines

Level: Beginner Category: Syntax

Question: 33

(B) Empty
(C) 0
(D) Garbage Value

Level: Practionar Category: Syntax

Question: 34

(A) 1 GB
(B) 2 GB
(C) 4 GB
(D) 8 GB

Level: Beginner Category: Delete

Question: 35

(A) True
(B) Flase

Level: Practionar Category: Syntax

Question: 36

(A) Yes
(B) No

Level: Practionar Category: Syntax

Question: 37

(A) All Temporary tables are dropped
(B) All Temporary tables are dropped but memory is remain alloted
(C) All Temporary table exist
(D) None of the above

Level: Expert Category: Syntax

Question: 38

(A) On disk and current DB file
(B) On disk and tempdb file
(C) On RAM and tempdb file
(D) On RAM and current DB file

Level: Practionar Category: Syntax

Question: 39

(A) candidate
(B) dependent
(C) normal
(D) Primary

Level: Practionar Category: Joins

Question: 40

(A) Yes
(B) No

Level: Practionar Category: Syntax

SQL Online Test