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Python program to find factorial

# Author: CppBuzz.com
# This program calculates the factorial of a given number using recursion & normal method
# Date: 22nd Aug 2020

def factorial(number):
    """This function calculates the factorial of any number"""
    if number == 1 or number == 0:
        return 1
        return number * factorial(number - 1)

def factorial_using_loop(number):
    """This function calculates the factorial using while loop"""
    fact = 1
    while number > 0:
        fact = fact * number
        number = number - 1
    return fact

if __name__ == '__main__':
    userInput = int(input('Enter the number to find its factorial: '))
    print('Factorial of', userInput, 'is:', factorial(userInput))
    print('Factorial of', userInput, 'is:', factorial_using_loop(userInput))

find factorial of any number