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Python program on Addition, Substration, Multiplication and Division

This program take input a & b from user and prints their addition, substration, multiplication, division. Program is compiled on Python 3 Version

choice = 'y'

while choice=='y':
	a = int(input('Enter a : '))
	b = int(input('Enter b : '))
	c = a + b;
	print('Sum of a & b is : ', c);
	a = int(input('Enter a : '))
	b = int(input('Enter b : '))
	c = a - b;
	print('Sum of a & b is : ', c);
	a = int(input('Enter a : '))
	b = int(input('Enter b : '))
	c = a * b;
	print('Sum of a & b is : ', c);
	a = int(input('Enter a : '))
	b = int(input('Enter b : '))
	c = a / b;
	print('Sum of a & b is : ', c);
	choice = input('\n Do you want to continue? y/n :')

python program on addition, substration, divistion, multiplication