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Strings in C programming strcmp(), strstr(), strlen()

Explain string and its different functions with examples

What is string?
Collection of char is known as string in C programming. The number of character any string contains is known as is its length.
And every string is termincated by null character i.e '\0'.

Syntax to declare string in C is :-
char str[10];   

here str is string which can contain at most 10 character inluding null character '\0'

Function related to string -
strlen() - this function returns length of any string
strcmp() - this function compares two strings
strstr() - this function check if string contains substring

/* Example of strlen() */

int main()
char str[10] ="Hello";
int len;
len = strlen(str);

printf("\n Length of string is : %d ", len);

return 0;

*/ Example of strcmp() */

int main()

char str[10] ="Hello";
int len;

if(strcmp(str, "Hello") == 0)
 printf("\n String are same");
 printf("\n String are not same");

return 0;

/* Example of strstr() */

int main()

char str[10] ="Hello";
int len;

if(strstr(str, "Hell"))
 printf("\n String contains Hell");
 printf("\n String doesn't contain Hell");

return 0;

/* Display only even digits from given number */


int main()

int no;

printf("\n Enter any no :");

while(no != 0)
 if( (no%10)%2 ==0)    
  printf(" %d ", no%10);
 no = no /10;

return 0;