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C program on conditional statements (if, elseif, else)

Problem: For annual sports, class eleven students are divided into 3 groups. which is A, B & C. From Roll 1 to 30 is in group A, Roll 31 to 60 is in group B & Roll 61 to 100 is in group C. Create progragm in C which takes roll no as input from user and display their group they belong to.

Example of Conditional Statement in C programming
1st Jun 2018
Chicago, USA


int main()
    int rollNO;
    printf("\n Enter Roll No : ");
    if(rollNO >=1 & rollNO <=30)
        printf("\n Student belongs to group A");
    else if(rollNO >=31 & rollNO <=60)
        printf("\n Student belongs to group B");
    else if(rollNO >=61 & rollNO <=100)
        printf("\n Student belongs to group C");
        printf("\n Roll No should be between 1 & 100"); 
    return 0;

Output of program

conditional statement in C programming