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How to access private members of a C++ class from outside

The idea is to define private as public using macro i.e #define private public

// filename :- Hack.h

class Hack 
private:    int a; 

protected:  int b; 

public:     int c; 	

// filename :- main.cpp

#include <iostream> 

#define private public        //This is the hack to access priviate variables of any class 
#define protected public     // This is the hack to access protected variables of any class  

#include "Hack.h"            // including the header file
using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char** argv) 
Hack obj; 

obj.a= 10;  // We can successully access a which is private actully 
obj.b= 20;  // We can successfully access b which is protected actually 

obj.c = 30;  


return 0; 

Video on accessing private members of a Class