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Siemens C & C++ Interview Questions

Question 1: Topic - Algorithms
In C++, assume that youare working with lists. You have tow containers C1 & C2 which contains the sorted elements as per the sorting criteria op(). Which of these operations will you use to move all elements of C2 into C1 such that all elements are merged and still sorted according to op() ?

A. C2.merge(C1, op)
B. C2.unique(C1, op)
C. C1.merge(C2, op)
D. C1.unique(C2, op)

Question 2: Topic - Alogrithms
Which of the header file is used to implement algorithms provided by C++ STL ?

A. <algorithm>
B. <header>
C. <algos>
D. <Algorithms>

Question 3: Topic - STL
What is the use of random_shuffle() function in STL algorithm?

A. To generate the random sequences in a range
B. To generate the sequence in a given range and arrange them in random order
C. To rearrange given sequence randomly
D. To select any random number from the given sequence

Question 4: Topic - Operator
In C++, which of the following operators is used to define a member of a class outside it?

A. ::
B. ->
C. .
D. :

Question 5: Topic - C++ concepts
In C++, which of the following has a separate declaration to accept and return const parameters?

A. strchar
B. string
C. memory
D. None of these

Question 6: Topic - Virtual Inheritance
What is the virtual inheritnance?
A. C++ technique to avoid multiple copies of the baes class into children/derived classes
B. C++ technique to avoid multiple inheritance of classes
C. C++ technique to enhance multiple inheritance
D. C++ technique to ensure that a private member of the base class can be accessed

Question 7: Topic - Circular Queue
Siemens C++ Interview Question

Question 8: Topic - Data type
Siemens C++ Interview Question
Siemens C++ Interview Question

Question 9: Topic - Ostream
Siemens C++ Interview Question

Question 10: Topic - Integer Constant
In C++, which of the following is an integer constant expression defined in the header file cstdlib?
B. rand
C. srand
D. None of these

Question 11: Topic - Hybrid Inheritance
In C++, which of the following statements about the hybrid inheritance is true?
A. It is multiple inheritance
B. It is multilevel inheritance
C. It is multipath inheritance
D. It is a combination of multiple and multilevel inheritance

Question 12: Topic - Hybrid Inheritance
In C++, when is a desctructor called?
A. It is called when an object created automatically goes out of scope
B. It is called when the delete operator is called
C. Both of these
D. None fo these

Question 13: Topic - Destructor
In C++, which of the following is a function of the getche() library function()?
A. Returns a character read from the keyboard
B. Returns a character read from the keyboard, when ENTER is pressed
C. Displays a chracter on the screen when any key is pressed
D. Does not display a character on the screen

Question 14: Topic - Exception Handling
Siemens C++ Interview Question

Question 15: Topic - Pointer
In C or C++, which of the following statements about pointers are correct
1. It is used to store the value of another variable
2. It is used to allocate memory dynamically to parameters
3. It can point to only integer variables
4. The value a null pointer to 0

A. 2 and 4
B. 1, 2 and 3
C. 1, 3 and 4
D. 1 and 3