Home » C++ » Solved Programs on C++ » C++ Program to find Keywords of any C++ program
C++ Program to find Keywords of any C++ program
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
char keywords[] = "int char string int double return auto breka; case const continue default do long register short signed sizeof static struct switch typedef union unsigned void volatile while double else enum extern float for goto if";
char keywordList[100];
unsigned int keywordCounter = 0;
void keywordChecker(char **);
int main()
memset(keywordList, NULL, sizeof(keywordList));
string line;
/*input.txt has some c++ program*/
ifstream myinputdocumnt("input.txt");
/*output.txt will have uncommented code from input.txt and also prints Keyword List */
ofstream myoutputdocumnt("output.txt");
int c=0;
char* newline=new char[line.length()+1];
for(int i=0;i2) {
strcat(keywordList, p);
strcat(keywordList, " ");
p = strtok(NULL, *ptr);