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Python Cheat Sheet for Beginners

Cheat sheet covers print, concatenation, list, tuples, if-elif-else statements, dictionaries, user input, while loops, classes, files I/O, functions, exceptions etc..

Printing "Hello World" in Python

print("Hello World");

Variable in Python

variable = "Hello World!"

Concatenation of Strings

FirstName = 'Cpp'
LastName = 'Buzz'
FullName = FirstName + ' ' + LastName

Taking User Input in Python

Accepting String values

name = input("What's your name? ")
print("Hello, " + name + "!")

Accepting Integer values

age = input("How old are you? ")
age = int(age)
cm = input("C.M in on Inch? ")
cm = float(cm)

Examples on Lists

list is a series of items. Lists are accessed using index, or loops.

Make a list
fruits = ['apple', 'banana', 'orange']

Getting the first element from list
FirstFruit = fruits[0]

Getting the last element from list
LastFruit = fruits[-1]

Looping through list
for fruit in fruits: print(fruit)

Appending Elements to list
fruits.append('pineapple') fruits.append('grapes')


Tuples are similar to lists. With only one difference: a tuple can't be modified. Tuples are immutable

Making a tuple

AgeGroup = (1,2,3,4,5)
print (AgeGroup[0])
print (AgeGroup[-1])
print (AgeGroup)

Output of above python code

Example of Tuple in Python

If elif & else statements in Python

age = input("How old are you? ")
age = int(age)

    print("You are less than 18")

elif (age>=18 and age<=60):
    print("You are older than 18 but younger than 60")
    print("You are older than 60")
Output of above Python code
If elif else in Python


Dictionary stores elements in key-value pair. Each item in a dictionary is a key-value pair.

Example of Dictionary

Avg_American =  {'color': 'white', 'height': '5.10'}
print("\nAmerican's color is : " + Avg_American['color'])


for key, value in Avg_American.items():
    print('Key : ' + key + ' ,with Value : ' + value)

#Looping through all keys
for color in Avg_American.keys():
    print(color + ' is one key \n')

#Looping through all the values

for height in Avg_American.values():
    print(height + ' is one value \n')

Output of Dictionary code

Dictionary in Python

While Loop

var = 1
while var <= 5:
 var += 1

Output of above while loop

while loop in python

For loop

for a in range(1, 6):

Output of above for loop

For loop in Python

Looping through String

for x in "cppbuzz":

Output of above for loop

For loop printing string elements in python


Function is a group of Python statements, designed to perform specific job. Functions can also accept arguments

#this is function definition
def myFunction():
    print("Welcome to CppBuzz !!")

#this is function call    

Output of about function code
functions in python
Passing argument to functions

#this is function definition
def myFunction(arg):
    print(arg + " Welcome to CppBuzz !!")

#this is function call    
myFunction('Dear Users')

Output of above Python code
passing arguments to function in Python
Returning value from function

def add_num(x, y):
 #Add two numbers and returning their sum
 return x + y
sum = add_num(5, 10)

returning value from function in python


Class defines the behavior of any object and kind of information an object can store.

class CppBuzz():
	def __init__(self, type):
	 """Initialize dog object."""
	 self.type = type

	def open(self):
	 """Simulate Opening."""
	 print(self.type + " CppBuzz is opening.")

	def close(self):
	 """Simulate Closing."""
	 print(self.type + " CppBuzz is closing.")

obj = CppBuzz('Website')
print("Cppbuzz is a : " + obj.type)
Example of Class in Python

Files I/O in Python

Files are used to store the information permanently. In Python open() function is used to open file, we can also pass different arguments to this function like 'r', 'w'. By default 'r' mode is chosen while opening any file.

filename = 'cppbuzz.txt'
with open(filename, 'a') as file_object:
 file_object.write("\nI love CppBuzz.")
#Reading a file and storing its lines
filename = 'cppbuzz.txt'
with open(filename) as file_object:
 lines = file_object.readlines()

for line in lines:

#Writing to a file
filename = 'cppbuzz.txt'
with open(filename, 'w') as file_object:
 file_object.write("CppBuzz - a portal to improve programming skills.")

#Appending to a file
filename = 'cppbuzz.txt'
with open(filename, 'a') as file_object:
 file_object.write("\nI love CppBuzz.")
#Reading the file again
filename = 'cppbuzz.txt'
with open(filename) as file_object:
 lines = file_object.readlines()

for line in lines:

Output of above Python code

file operations in Python


Exceptions are run time error, which my occur due to any wrong condition. Catching exception help us in showing appropriate error to end user.

prompt = "How many tickets do you need? "
num_tickets = input(prompt)
 num_tickets = int(num_tickets)
except ValueError:
 print("Please try again.")
 print("Your tickets are printing.")

Output of above exception code
Exceptions in Python Example of try catch block in Python
Python Questions